1-Dimension Education by Prof. Nipun Sharma
1 Dimension Education is a Free Educational Blog by Professor Nipun Sharma. Domains include Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence ,Electronics and Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Lecture Notes and Sample Script Files of YouTube Videos are available for FREE !
7 Thought-Provoking Free Python Programs that will sharpen your Learning Curve
1. Usage of Article (A , An ) in English
2. Vowel Counter
3. Leap Year Calculator
4. Exposure Value Calculator of Camera
5. BMI Calculator
6. Alphabet Tree
7. Geometry of 8th Class
Easy Python Program to Find LCM of N - numbers
Section 1
Find LCM of 3 Numbers:
a = int(input(" Enter 1 number : "))b = int(input(" Enter 2 number : "))
c = int(input(" Enter 3 number : "))
l =[a,b,c]
m = max(l)
while (1):
if (m % a == 0 and m % b == 0 and m % c == 0 ):
print("The LCM is :" , m)
m = m+1
Section 2
Find LCM of n-Numbers
x = input("Enter numbers separated by space ")l = x.split(" ")
w = []
for i in range(len(l)):
num = int(l[i])
m = max(w)
while True:
z = []
for j in range(len(w)):
r = m % w[j]
if sum(z)==0:
print("LCM is ", m)
m = m+1
Easy Python Program Virtual Tibetan Prayer Wheel TQDM Example Free Code
Welcome to Virtual Tibetan Wheel Program. This program takes a mantra of your choice and
recites ** (saves as a text file) 1008 Times for each rotation of the wheel. You will specify
the number of times you want to turn the wheel. The text file with recited mantra in multiples
of 1008 is saved in the current directory as MantraChant.txt. Avoid specifying excessively big
number in turns as it may result in an excessively large file being produced.
from tqdm import tqdm
from art import *
chant = input(" Which mantra do you want to chant: ")
f = open("MantraChant.txt" , 'w')
chantlist = chant.split(" ")
twowords = (chantlist[:3])
twowords = ' '.join(twowords)
spin = int(input(" How many times do you want to spin the TIBETAN WHEEL: "))
mantra = text2art(twowords)
for num1 in tqdm(range(1008)):
for num2 in (range(spin+1)):
f.write(chant + "\n")
Thank you for spinning the Virtual Tibetan Wheel. The recited mantra is saved as txt file in
the current directory. Run the program again to spin the wheel.
Easy Python Project Memory Address Mapping for MP and MC Free Code
import math
import os
# Group of Different functions for different styles
class style():
BLACK = '\033[30m'
RED = '\033[31m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
YELLOW = '\033[33m'
BLUE = '\033[34m'
MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
CYAN = '\033[36m'
WHITE = '\033[37m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
This tool lets you calculate the total number of address locations [in hexadecimals], "
in the memory of a specific size with a specific register size. This tool can be used as
a building block for creating memory segmentation and multiple RAM/ROM implementations''')
while True:
n = int(input(style.CYAN + " Enter Memory Size (preferably an integer in multiples of power of 2) : " + style.RESET))
except ValueError:
print("Enter Valid Input Please")
m = (input(style.CYAN +" Enter Memory Multiplier [(B)yte, (k)ilobyte, (M)egabyte, (G)igabyte, (T)erabyte )] or (Q)uit: " + style.RESET))
if m.lower() == "k":
s = n * 1024
t = math.log2(s)
sizeinbytes = int(2 ** t)
print(" Total Memory Size in Bytes is : ", sizeinbytes, "B")
elif m.lower() == "b":
s = n
t = math.log2(s)
sizeinbytes = int(2 ** t)
print(" Total Memory Size in Bytes is : ", sizeinbytes, "B")
elif m.lower() == "m":
s = n * 1024 * 1024
t = math.log2(s)
sizeinbytes = int(2 ** t)
print(" Total Memory Size in Bytes is : ", sizeinbytes, "B")
elif m.lower() == "g":
s = n * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
t = math.log2(s)
sizeinbytes = int(2 ** t)
print(" Total Memory Size in Bytes is : ", sizeinbytes, "B")
elif m.lower() == "t":
s = n * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
t = math.log2(s)
sizeinbytes = int(2 ** t)
print(" Total Memory Size in Bytes is : ", sizeinbytes, "B")
elif m.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank you for Trying the Program")
print(" Enter a Valid Value")
mem_map = input(style.MAGENTA +" Do You wish to calculate MEMORY ADDRESS MAP of this Memory : Y or N : ")
if mem_map.lower() == "y":
reg_size = int(input(" Enter Register Size in bytes (Multiples of 2 powers ) : " + style.RESET))
new_memsize = (sizeinbytes/reg_size)
len_newmem = int(new_memsize)
if len_newmem > 0:
print(" Total number of registers in memory of [", n, m, "] are : ", len_newmem)
print(" The first address of the memory is : " , hex(0) , "H")
print(" The last address of the memory is : ", hex(len_newmem - 1) , "H")
print(" Register Size cannot be greater than the total memory size !!")
elif mem_map.lower() == "n":
print(" Thank you for using the Program !!")
Easy Python Project Greek Alphabet Tutor Free Code
import random
import os
# Group of Different functions for different styles
class style():
BLACK = '\033[30m'
RED = '\033[31m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
YELLOW = '\033[33m'
BLUE = '\033[34m'
MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
CYAN = '\033[36m'
WHITE = '\033[37m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
print(style.YELLOW + """
A simple and easy way to learn Greek Alphabets ( both in upper and lower cases). Greek Alphabets are widely used as
Engineering Symbols in Electromagnetics, Antennas, Linear Control Systems and Signals/Systems Engineering.
Learn the Symbols and then Take a test to know if recognitions of the symbols is completed.
** This program is free to use, distribute and reprogram !! Enjoy **
+ style.RESET
greek_alphabets_upper = {
"ALPHA" : "\u0391",
"BETA" : "\u0392",
"GAMMA" : "\u0393",
"DELTA" : "\u0394",
"EPSILON" : "\u0395",
"ZETA" : "\u0396",
"ETA" : "\u0397",
"THETA" : "\u0398",
"IOTA" : "\u0399",
"KAPPA": "\u039A",
"LAMDA": "\u039B",
"MU": "\u039C",
"NU": "\u039D",
"XI": "\u039E",
"OMICRON": "\u039F",
"PI": "\u03A0",
"RHO": "\u03A1",
"SIGMA": "\u03A3",
"TAU": "\u03A4",
"UPSILON": "\u03A5",
"PHI": "\u03A6",
"CHI": "\u03A7",
"PSI": "\u03A8",
"OMEGA": "\u03A9"
new_gul ={
'Α': 'ALPHA', 'Β': 'BETA', 'Γ': 'GAMMA', 'Δ': 'DELTA', 'Ε': 'EPSILON', 'Ζ': 'ZETA',
'Η': 'ETA', 'Θ': 'THETA', 'Ι': 'IOTA', 'Κ': 'KAPPA', 'Λ': 'LAMDA', 'Μ': 'MU', 'Ν': 'NU',
'Ξ': 'XI', 'Ο': 'OMICRON', 'Π': 'PI', 'Ρ': 'RHO', 'Σ': 'SIGMA', 'Τ': 'TAU', 'Υ': 'UPSILON',
'Φ': 'PHI', 'Χ': 'CHI', 'Ψ': 'PSI', 'Ω': 'OMEGA'
greek_alphabets_list = ["\u0391","\u0392","\u0393","\u0394","\u0395","\u0396","\u0397","\u0398","\u0399","\u039A","\u039B","\u039C","\u039D","\u039E","\u039F","\u03A0","\u03A1","\u03A3","\u03A4","\u03A5","\u03A6","\u03A7","\u03A8","\u03A9"]
greek_alphabets_lower = {
"\u03B1" : "ALPHA",
"\u03B2" : "BETA",
"\u03B3" : "GAMMA",
"\u03B4" : "DELTA",
"\u03B5" : "EPSILON",
"\u03B6" : "ZETA",
"\u03B7" : "ETA",
"\u03B8" : "THETA",
"\u03B9" : "IOTA",
"\u03BA" : "KAPPA",
"\u03BB" : "LAMDA",
"\u03BC" : "MU",
"\u03BD" : "NU",
"\u03BE" : "XI",
"\u03BF" : "OMICRON",
"\u03C0" : "PI",
"\u03C1" : "RHO",
"\u03C2" : "SIGMA",
"\u03C3" : "SIGMA",
"\u03C4" : "TAU",
"\u03C5" : "UPSILON",
"\u03C6" : "PHI",
"\u03C7" : "CHI",
"\u03C8" : "PSI",
"\u03C9" : "OMEGA"
def learn_greek_alphabets_upper():
for k, v in greek_alphabets_upper.items():
print(v, ' ', k)
def learn_greek_alphabets_lower():
for k, v in greek_alphabets_lower.items():
print(k, ' ', v)
def test_greek_alphabets_upper():
r = 0
w = 0
for k, v in greek_alphabets_upper.items():
print("DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS SYMBOL, " , v , '?')
userinput3 = input("Name of the Character is :" )
if userinput3.upper() == k:
r = r + 1
print("Sorry , Learn the Symbol again")
w = w + 1
print(style.RED + "--------------")
print(" TEST RESULTS ")
print("CORRECT ANSWERS :", r)
print("INCORRECT ANSWERS : " + style.RESET, w)
def test_greek_alphabets_lower():
r = 0
w = 0
for k, v in greek_alphabets_lower.items():
print("DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS SYMBOL, " , k , '?')
userinput3 = input("Name of the Character is :" )
if userinput3.upper() == v:
r = r + 1
print("Sorry , Learn the Symbol again")
w = w + 1
print(style.RED + "--------------")
print(" TEST RESULTS ")
print("CORRECT ANSWERS :", r)
print("INCORRECT ANSWERS : " + style.RESET , w )
def random_test_greek_alphabets_upper():
r = 0
w = 0
for k, v in new_gul.items():
letter , name = random.choice(list(new_gul.items()))
print("Recognize This letter: " , letter)
answer = input(" Enter Your answer: ")
if answer.upper() == name:
r = r + 1
print("Sorry , Learn the Symbol again")
w = w + 1
print(style.RED + "--------------")
print(" TEST RESULTS ")
print("CORRECT ANSWERS :", r)
print("INCORRECT ANSWERS : " + style.RESET, w)
def random_test_greek_alphabets_lower():
r = 0
w = 0
for k, v in greek_alphabets_lower.items():
letter , name = random.choice(list(greek_alphabets_lower.items()))
print("Recognize this letter" , letter)
answer = input(" Enter Your answer: ")
if answer.upper() == name:
r = r + 1
print("Sorry , Learn the Symbol again")
w = w + 1
print(style.RED + "--------------")
print(" TEST RESULTS ")
print("CORRECT ANSWERS :", r)
print("INCORRECT ANSWERS : " + style.RESET, w)
i = 0
while i == 0:
userinput1 = input(" Do you wish to learn alphabets (l) or test your skills (t) or quit (q) : " + style.RESET)
if userinput1.lower() == "l":
userinput2 = input(" Greek Alphabets has 2 Sets. Do you wish to learn Capitals (C) or Lower (L) or Quit (Q) : ")
if userinput2.lower() == "c":
elif userinput2.lower() == "l":
elif userinput2.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank YOU for using the program !! Have a Nice Day !!")
print("Please Select a Valid Option")
elif userinput1.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank YOU for using the program !! Have a Nice Day !!")
elif userinput1.lower() == "t":
userinput5 = input(" Do You Wish to take Test of Capital Letters (C) or Small Letters (L) or Quit (Q) : ")
if userinput5.lower() == "c":
testchoice1 = input("RANDOM Letters (R) or SEQUENTIAL Letters (S) or QUIT (Q) : ")
if testchoice1.lower() == "r":
elif testchoice1.lower() == "s":
elif testchoice1.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank YOU for using the program !! Have a Nice Day !!")
print("Please Select a Valid Option")
elif userinput5.lower() == "l":
testchoice2 = input("RANDOM Letters (R) or SEQUENTIAL Letters (S) or QUIT (Q) : ")
if testchoice2.lower() == "r":
elif testchoice2.lower() == "s":
elif testchoice2.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank YOU for using the program !! Have a Nice Day !!")
print("Please Select a Valid Option")
elif userinput5.lower() == "q":
print(" Thank YOU for using the program !! Have a Nice Day !!")
print("Please Select a Valid Option")
print("Please Select a Valid Option")
Easy Python Program for Kids Complex Number Converter Free Code
import math
This program converts a rectangular coordinate system complex number to polar coordinate system complex number;
and vice- versa.
This is a free program and can be used and redistributed without any attribution.
i = 0
while i == 0:
c = input(" Please Enter the Coordinate System you want to convert : [R] for Rectangular, [P] for Polar or [Q] to quit the program: ")
if (c.lower() == 'r'):
a = int(input("Enter the Real Part (a) :"))
b = int(input("Enter the imaginary Part (b) :"))
print("YOU HAVE ENTERED Z = " , a , "+ i " , b)
r = ((a*a) + (b*b))
R = math.sqrt(r)
angle = math.atan(b/a)
print("Z in Polar Coordinate Format is : " , R , "\u2220 " , angle , "\u00b0")
elif (c.lower() == 'p'):
r = int(input("Enter the Magnitude(r) :"))
theta = int(input("Enter the Angle Theta(\u03F4) :"))
print("YOU HAVE ENTERED Z = ", r, "\u2220 ", theta , "\u00b0")
u = r * math.cos(theta)
v = r * math.sin(theta)
print(" Z in Rectangular Coordinate Format is : " , u , " + i", v)
elif (c.lower() == 'q'):
print("Enter Sensible Value")
Easy Python Program for Kids Plant a Virtual Tree | Free Code
tree = input("How Big a Tree Do You Want to Plant (Enter BIG , MEDIUM , SMALL : ")
if(tree.lower() == 'big'):
i = 41
elif(tree.lower() == 'medium'):
i = 25
elif(tree.lower() == 'small'):
print("Enter a Valid SIZE")
i = 0
stem_width = i
j = 0
while(i >=0 and j <= i):
print(' ' * i , 2*('*' * j) , ' '* i)
i = i - 1
j = j + 1
n = stem_width
m = int((2 * n) + 2 )
q = int(m/5)
stem_length = int(j/3)
for stem in range(stem_length):
print(' ' * (2 *q), ('|' * q), ' ' * (2 *q))
print(" ")
print("Thank You Planting a" , "--" , tree.upper() , "TREE --")
Free Most Trusted List of Faucets to Earn Extra Income from Home
Earn Some Free Cryptocurrencies with these most trusted faucets.
If you are looking for an absolutely legitimate way to collect some FREE cryptocurrencies start off with Faucets which are absolutely trustworthy and reliable with proven record of payments. No eed to research because this list is meticulously made to save all the hard work. JUST REGISTER AND START EARNING RIGHT AWAY !!!The biggest and most popular faucets for BTC and Dogecoin are the following. Easy registration using these links.
1. Freebitcoin
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Register on coinpot as it supports many faucets for many currencies in an absolutely stunning integrated dashboard format.
Register on coinpot and then register on the following faucets with the same email address that you used on coinpot.
Click on the links to easily register with faucets.
1. Moonbitcoin
2. Moondoge
3. MoonLitecoin
4. Moondash
5. Mooncash
6. Bitfun
7. Bonusbitcoin
[Free Script] NS-2 Multicast Scenario with Web Traffic | Wired MANETs
# Create scheduler
#Create an event scheduler wit multicast
turned on
set ns [new Simulator -multicast on]
#$ns multicast
#Turn on Tracing
set tf [open w]
$ns trace-all $tf
# Turn on nam Tracing
set fd [open mcast.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $fd
# Create nodes
set n0 [$ns node]
set n1 [$ns node]
set n2 [$ns node]
set n3 [$ns node]
set n4 [$ns node]
set n5 [$ns node]
set n6 [$ns node]
set n7 [$ns node]
# Create links
$ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n3 $n7 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n4 $n5 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n4 $n6 1.5Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient right-down
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 orient right-up
$ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n3 orient right
$ns duplex-link-op $n3 $n4 orient right
$ns duplex-link-op $n3 $n7 orient down
$ns duplex-link-op $n4 $n5 orient right-up
$ns duplex-link-op $n4 $n6 orient right-down
# Routing protocol: say distance vector
#Protocols: CtrMcast, DM, ST, BST
set mproto DM
set mrthandle [$ns mrtproto $mproto {}]
# Allocate cluster addresses
set cluster1 [Node allocaddr]
set cluster2 [Node allocaddr]
# UDP Transport agent for the traffic source
set www_UDP_agent [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $n0 $www_UDP_agent
$www_UDP_agent set dst_addr_ $cluster1
$www_UDP_agent set dst_port_ 0
set www_CBR_source [new
$www_CBR_source attach-agent $www_UDP_agent
$www_CBR_source set packetSize_ 48
$www_CBR_source set interval_ 50ms
# Transport agent for the traffic source
set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $n1 $udp1
$udp1 set dst_addr_ $cluster2
$udp1 set dst_port_ 0
set cbr2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr2 attach-agent $udp1
# Create receiver
set rcvr1 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n5 $rcvr1
$ns at 1.0 "$n5 join-cluster $rcvr1 $cluster1"
set rcvr2 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n6 $rcvr2
$ns at 1.5 "$n6 join-cluster $rcvr2 $cluster1"
set rcvr3 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n7 $rcvr3
$ns at 2.0 "$n7 join-cluster $rcvr3 $cluster1"
set rcvr4 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n5 $rcvr1
$ns at 2.5 "$n5 join-cluster $rcvr4 $cluster2"
set rcvr5 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n6 $rcvr2
$ns at 3.0 "$n6 join-cluster $rcvr5 $cluster2"
set rcvr6 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n7 $rcvr3
$ns at 3.5 "$n7 join-cluster $rcvr6 $cluster2"
$ns at 4.0 "$n5 leave-cluster $rcvr1 $cluster1"
$ns at 4.5 "$n6 leave-cluster $rcvr2 $cluster1"
$ns at 5.0 "$n7 leave-cluster $rcvr3 $cluster1"
$ns at 5.5 "$n5 leave-cluster $rcvr4 $cluster2"
$ns at 6.0 "$n6 leave-cluster $rcvr5 $cluster2"
$ns at 6.5 "$n7 leave-cluster $rcvr6 $cluster2"
# Schedule events
$ns at 0.5 "$www_CBR_source start"
$ns at 9.5 "$www_CBR_source stop"
$ns at 0.5 "$cbr2 start"
$ns at 9.5 "$cbr2 stop"
$ns at 10.0 "finish"
proc finish {} {
global ns tf
$ns flush-trace
close $tf
exec nam mcast.nam &
exit 0
# For nam
#Colors for packets from two mcast clusters
$ns color 10 red
$ns color 11 green
$ns color 30 purple
$ns color 31 green
# Manual layout: order of the link is
#$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right
#$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient right-up
#$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n3 orient right-down
# Show queue on simplex link n0->n1
#$ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n3 queuePos 0.5
# Cluster 0 source
$www_UDP_agent set fid_ 10
$n0 color red
$n0 label "Source 1"
# Cluster 1 source
$udp1 set fid_ 11
$n1 color green
$n1 label "Source 2"
$n5 label "Receiver 1"
$n5 color blue
$n6 label "Receiver 2"
$n6 color blue
$n7 label "Receiver 3"
$n7 color blue
#$n2 add-mark m0 red
#$n2 delete-mark m0"
# Animation rate
$ns set-animation-rate 3.0ms
$ns run
Barre Chords - A Primer
Barre Chord is a technique where one can use any one finger to press all the strings on any given fret at the same time. Most of the guitarists prefer their first finger or the index finger for playing barre chords. While playing barre chords the index finger acts like a capo and one can play riffs from that particular fret onwards using the remaining four fingers. Barre chords are used and played in a number of popular and melodious compositions. Barre chords requires a lot of strumming practice until you are able to perfectly barre the chords. But once you are able to achieve that level of expertise, there's no stopping and no looking back and you are the master of Barre Chords.
So, Go on and give yourself a handful of rigorous practice sessions on this technique and master the art of playing barre chords !!
So, Go on and give yourself a handful of rigorous practice sessions on this technique and master the art of playing barre chords !!
Music Mends _ Acoustic healing
Music Mends. Yes this phrase means, matters and does a lot.
Let us see how. Music has always been known for its healing abilities, especially mostly in untowardly conditions of mental health of Human beings. Here in this article I,m going to quickly list 3 super wonderful effects of Music in Mending Souls.
What’s more interesting and revealing is that practicing music has even better healing effects than just listening to music. Results reveal that those who have practiced music have not only found and regained self-confidence but have a risen self esteem, during their phase of recovery.
It helps in improved co-ordination; results reveal that practicing acoustic music helps in channelizing the nervous system co-ordination with the body.
It helps in better communication with people and helps in becoming a people’s person. Discussing music is one of the healthiest discussions around. Finding music is one of the most precious findings around.Hope you find these recommendations a boon in enjoying your musical journey. Good Luck and Happy strumming.
The Guitar Therapy
Guitar is one such musical instrument which never loses its glitz and charm. Right from the age of 5 to an 80 year old, playing guitar always soothes the heart and soul. This is one such instrument which can even cure depression and eliminates stress. The vibes produced by Guitar strumming can eliminate tension and stress. Moreover, music is known for its healing and soothing qualities since ages. It is beneficial for any individual, both physically and mentally, through improved heart rate, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain, and improved learning. Music therapists use their techniques to help their patients in many areas.
The therapeutic effects of guitar are proven and well accepted over the globe. It sharpens the mind body coordination and makes the person more smarter.
Let us see how. Music has always been known for its healing abilities, especially mostly in untowardly conditions of mental health of Human beings. Here in this article I,m going to quickly list 3 super wonderful effects of Music in Mending Souls.
What’s more interesting and revealing is that practicing music has even better healing effects than just listening to music. Results reveal that those who have practiced music have not only found and regained self-confidence but have a risen self esteem, during their phase of recovery.
It helps in improved co-ordination; results reveal that practicing acoustic music helps in channelizing the nervous system co-ordination with the body.
It helps in better communication with people and helps in becoming a people’s person. Discussing music is one of the healthiest discussions around. Finding music is one of the most precious findings around.Hope you find these recommendations a boon in enjoying your musical journey. Good Luck and Happy strumming.
The Guitar Therapy
Guitar is one such musical instrument which never loses its glitz and charm. Right from the age of 5 to an 80 year old, playing guitar always soothes the heart and soul. This is one such instrument which can even cure depression and eliminates stress. The vibes produced by Guitar strumming can eliminate tension and stress. Moreover, music is known for its healing and soothing qualities since ages. It is beneficial for any individual, both physically and mentally, through improved heart rate, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain, and improved learning. Music therapists use their techniques to help their patients in many areas.
The therapeutic effects of guitar are proven and well accepted over the globe. It sharpens the mind body coordination and makes the person more smarter.
Zen Stories are stories for life and stories for keep sake. Some of the stories are easy straight forward, but some of the stories are witty, twisted and have a touch of sarcasm. But all the stories will sure stir your soul. Here is a collection of short stories in the form of images. (how cool is that !!). I started off this project quite sometime ago, hope you like it and i continue making it.
100 Commandments of Photography
100 Commandments of Photography is a comprehensive guide to understanding do’s and don’ts of photography on a lighter note. A must Read, a must laugh.
1. Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn’t mean that they’re a good photographer.
2. Always shoot in RAW. Always.
3. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer.
4. Photo editing is an art in itself.
5. The rule of thirds works 99% of the time.
6. Macro photography isn’t for everybody.
7. UV filters work just as well as lens caps.
8. Go outside and shoot photos rather than spending hours a day on photography forums.
9. Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.
10. Film isn’t better than digital.
11. Digital isn’t better than film.
12. There is no “magic” camera or lens.
13. Better lenses don’t give you better photos.
14. Spend less time looking at other people’s work and more time shooting your own.
15. Don’t take your DSLR to parties.
16. Girls dig photographers.
17. Making your photos b/w doesn’t automatically make them “artsy”.
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you “photoshop” your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the “digital darkroom”.
19. You don’t need to take a photo of everything.
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
21. Ditch the neck strap and get a handstrap.
22. Get closer when taking your photos, they often turn out better.
23. Be a part of a scene while taking a photo; not a voyeur.
24. Taking a photo crouched often make your photos look more interesting.
25. Worry less about technical aspects and focus more on compositional aspects of photography.
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
27. Always underexpose by 2/3rds of a stop when shooting in broad daylight.
28. The more photos you take, the better you get.
29. Don’t be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
30. Only show your best photos.
31. A point-and-shoot is still a camera.
32. Join an online photography forum.
33. Critique the works of others.
34. Think before you shoot.
35. A good photo shouldn’t require explanation (although background information often adds to an image).
*36. Alcohol and photography do not mix well.
37. Draw inspiration from other photographers but never worship them.
38. Grain is beautiful.
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
40. Simplicity is key.
41. The definition of photography is: “painting with light.” Use light in your favor.
42. Find your style of photography and stick with it.
43. Having a second monitor is the best thing ever for photo processing.
44. Silver EFEX pro is the best b/w converter.
45. Carry your camera with you everywhere. Everywhere.
46. Never let photography get in the way of enjoying life.
47. Don’t pamper your camera. Use and abuse it.
48. Take straight photos.
49. Shoot with confidence.
50. Photography and juxtaposition are best friends.
51. Print out your photos big. They will make you happy.
52. Give your photos to friends.
53. Give them to strangers.
54. Don’t forget to frame them.
55. Costco prints are cheap and look great.
56. Go out and take photos with (a) friend(s).
57. Join a photo club or start one for yourself.
58. Photos make great presents.
59. Taking photos of strangers is thrilling.
60. Candid>Posed.
61. Natural light is the best light.
62. 35mm (on full frame) is the best “walk-around” focal length.
63. Don’t be afraid to bump up your ISO when necessary.
64. You don’t need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don’t even own one).
65. It is always better to underexpose than overexpose.
66. Shooting photos of homeless people in an attempt to be “artsy” is exploitation.
67. You will find the best photo opportunities in the least likely situations.
68. Photos are always more interesting with the human element included.
69. You can’t “photoshop” bad images into good ones.
70. Nowadays everybody is a photographer.
71. You don’t need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
72. People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons.
73. Cameras as tools, not toys.
74. In terms of composition, photography and painting aren’t much different.
75. Photography isn’t a hobby- it’s a lifestyle.
76. Make photos, not excuses.
77. Be original in your photography. Don’t try to copy the style of others.
78. The best photographs tell stories that begs the viewer for more.
79. Any cameras but black ones draw too much attention.
80. The more gear you carry around with you the less you will enjoy photography.
81. Good self-portraits are harder to take than they seem.
82. Laughter always draws out peoples’ true character in a photograph.
83. Don’t look suspicious when taking photos- blend in with the environment.
84. Landscape photography can become dull after a while.
85. Have fun while taking photos.
86. Never delete any of your photos.
87. Be respectful when taking photos of people or places.
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
89. Travel and photography are the perfect pair.
90. Learn how to read a histogram.
91. A noisy photo is better than a blurry one.
92. Don’t be afraid to take photos in the rain.
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
94. Never take photos on an empty stomach.
95. You will discover a lot about yourself through your photography.
96. Never hoard your photographic insight- share it with the world.
97. Never stop taking photos.
98. Photography is more than simply taking photos, it is a philosophy of life.
99. Capture the decisive moment.
100. Write your own list.
1. Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn’t mean that they’re a good photographer.
2. Always shoot in RAW. Always.
3. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer.
4. Photo editing is an art in itself.
5. The rule of thirds works 99% of the time.
6. Macro photography isn’t for everybody.
7. UV filters work just as well as lens caps.
8. Go outside and shoot photos rather than spending hours a day on photography forums.
9. Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.
10. Film isn’t better than digital.
11. Digital isn’t better than film.
12. There is no “magic” camera or lens.
13. Better lenses don’t give you better photos.
14. Spend less time looking at other people’s work and more time shooting your own.
15. Don’t take your DSLR to parties.
16. Girls dig photographers.
17. Making your photos b/w doesn’t automatically make them “artsy”.
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you “photoshop” your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the “digital darkroom”.
19. You don’t need to take a photo of everything.
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
21. Ditch the neck strap and get a handstrap.
22. Get closer when taking your photos, they often turn out better.
23. Be a part of a scene while taking a photo; not a voyeur.
24. Taking a photo crouched often make your photos look more interesting.
25. Worry less about technical aspects and focus more on compositional aspects of photography.
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
27. Always underexpose by 2/3rds of a stop when shooting in broad daylight.
28. The more photos you take, the better you get.
29. Don’t be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
30. Only show your best photos.
31. A point-and-shoot is still a camera.
32. Join an online photography forum.
33. Critique the works of others.
34. Think before you shoot.
35. A good photo shouldn’t require explanation (although background information often adds to an image).
*36. Alcohol and photography do not mix well.
37. Draw inspiration from other photographers but never worship them.
38. Grain is beautiful.
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
40. Simplicity is key.
41. The definition of photography is: “painting with light.” Use light in your favor.
42. Find your style of photography and stick with it.
43. Having a second monitor is the best thing ever for photo processing.
44. Silver EFEX pro is the best b/w converter.
45. Carry your camera with you everywhere. Everywhere.
46. Never let photography get in the way of enjoying life.
47. Don’t pamper your camera. Use and abuse it.
48. Take straight photos.
49. Shoot with confidence.
50. Photography and juxtaposition are best friends.
51. Print out your photos big. They will make you happy.
52. Give your photos to friends.
53. Give them to strangers.
54. Don’t forget to frame them.
55. Costco prints are cheap and look great.
56. Go out and take photos with (a) friend(s).
57. Join a photo club or start one for yourself.
58. Photos make great presents.
59. Taking photos of strangers is thrilling.
60. Candid>Posed.
61. Natural light is the best light.
62. 35mm (on full frame) is the best “walk-around” focal length.
63. Don’t be afraid to bump up your ISO when necessary.
64. You don’t need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don’t even own one).
65. It is always better to underexpose than overexpose.
66. Shooting photos of homeless people in an attempt to be “artsy” is exploitation.
67. You will find the best photo opportunities in the least likely situations.
68. Photos are always more interesting with the human element included.
69. You can’t “photoshop” bad images into good ones.
70. Nowadays everybody is a photographer.
71. You don’t need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
72. People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons.
73. Cameras as tools, not toys.
74. In terms of composition, photography and painting aren’t much different.
75. Photography isn’t a hobby- it’s a lifestyle.
76. Make photos, not excuses.
77. Be original in your photography. Don’t try to copy the style of others.
78. The best photographs tell stories that begs the viewer for more.
79. Any cameras but black ones draw too much attention.
80. The more gear you carry around with you the less you will enjoy photography.
81. Good self-portraits are harder to take than they seem.
82. Laughter always draws out peoples’ true character in a photograph.
83. Don’t look suspicious when taking photos- blend in with the environment.
84. Landscape photography can become dull after a while.
85. Have fun while taking photos.
86. Never delete any of your photos.
87. Be respectful when taking photos of people or places.
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
89. Travel and photography are the perfect pair.
90. Learn how to read a histogram.
91. A noisy photo is better than a blurry one.
92. Don’t be afraid to take photos in the rain.
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
94. Never take photos on an empty stomach.
95. You will discover a lot about yourself through your photography.
96. Never hoard your photographic insight- share it with the world.
97. Never stop taking photos.
98. Photography is more than simply taking photos, it is a philosophy of life.
99. Capture the decisive moment.
100. Write your own list.
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